there's only so much one can do and try, to be who they thought they were. at some point you give up. its not your choice but things are kinda out of your hands. its like a scattered mess, water spilled on the floor. you cant do a thing about it..or it make how it used to be. it's useless.... its the end. at that point you face reality and you see the pit of burning sulfur..... why do people still keep telling you to pray and not lose hope?.... wouldn't you have tried all of that before? yes. you did..... but somehow that didn't work for you. now you're done for. stop fooling yourselves by trying to be happy. face the end with dauntlessness. hold your self together.
but then in the midst of all that i poured out.... i remember something i had once read and has been read out to me since i was an infant....when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced the pit of fire and there was no logical way out of it and they knew they were doomed...... it was amidst that fire and gruesome death pit that a figure bearing resemblance to the man i call my saviour and abba(Jesus Christ) came down from his thrown and stayed with them, holding there hand and keeping them safe.
they were rescued from their fate. there lies your and my string of hope......Jesus Christ !!!